Reviews on Text Cash Network is creating a lot of commotion in the network marketing world. In a world where people are getting paid for everything, are you still trading dollars for hours? You have finally stumbled upon an easy system to increase your financial power by joining with a company that pays you to receive texts. If you didn’t have to go to your 9 to 5 everyday, what would you be doing?
Click here to find out more about the Text Cash Network:
You may not be able to retire off of this text income, but what if it could pay a car note or your mortgage. Would that be of any benefit to you? Best of all it is Free.
There is no disputing the power of cell phones; we would be lost without them. I am old enough to remember a time when we use to have to use the payphone. Can you imagine standing in the rain or snow trying to use a payphone? Now even at home, my cell phone is usually within arm’s reach. There has been research that reported 4 out of 5 young adults sleep with their phones on or by their beds and many, including myself never even turn their phones off.
Marketing through texts messages only makes sense. Very simply, there is no technology that is more compelling, universal and immediate. On average, messages are read within four minutes, making them highly convertible. Today’s consumers are smarter than before. Gone are the days when a simple advertising campaign would be far-reaching and appealing enough to drive all your prospects to buy a product. The adoption of text marketing is a growing trend around the globe as consumer spending slows and retailers are forced to become more creative. Over 6.1 trillion text messages were sent in 2010 worldwide, according to a report from the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).
The ITU study found that when it comes to a preferred method of contact, 31% of adults would choose a text message, 51% would choose a voice call and 14% say it depends on the situation. 55% of heavy texters, those who exchange 50 messages or more a day, prefer texting to talking. Bulk SMS messages can be targeted directly to the mobile phone of the user. It is capable of reaching 91% of the US population, with consumers on average opening 98% of text messages and responding directly to 26% of them. Another study reveals that companies are truly beginning to see and realize the benefits of text message marketing to consumers. Twenty-five percent of the respondents said they were currently using text marketing to send out their marketing message, up from 15 percent at the end of 2010.Via a simple text message, you can reach over 70 percent of the population, whereas the other mobile platforms are just not there yet in terms of the number of users who use or even have them.
So what does the Text Cash Network mean to you? It's a way for you to make some money on the growing trend of mobile marketing. The money that you can make with Text Cash Network will astonish you. T.C.N. shares it's text revenue with its T.C.N. Affiliates and Membership Base using a 10 Level Referral Reward System. T.C.N. will pay up to $1.50 monthly per member, up to 10 Levels of Referrals, who agree to receive 1 to 5 T.C.N. Texts Daily.

How to earn in Text Cash Network?
THE POWER GRID is a 10 level referral grid which will track everyone you personally refer on your 1st level; everyone your 1st level personally refers to their 1st level which is your 2nd level; this grid will track everyone referred up to ten levels below your Referral Agent’s Position. The only qualification to receive compensation in The Power Grid is to agree to receive up to 5 text messages and spend 3 to 5 minutes in your back office with The “Get The Word Out” Advertising Platform.
If you are in a T.C.N. non-text supported area (country) receiving up to 5 e-mails will be implemented. Each level may have an infinity number of Referral Agents. Using the power of duplication averaging 2 Referral Agents. MAXIMUM INCOME WOULD BE $2302.50 MONTHLY. If you increase such average to 3 or 4 the MAXIMUM INCOME would be to high of a dollar figure to put into print.
Text Cash Network Power Pay Plan
Is an innovative T.C.N. point driven bonus pool. Ignore current diagram in your back office. It is a one line bonus pool system designed for every Referral Agent to participate even if they did not refer a single person. When the Exclusive POWER-LINE Tracking Chart is available you may truly grasp how powerful THE POWER-LINE IS. The POWER-LINE Compensation is shared by both 100% FREE & VIP Referral Agents. In the POWER-LINE a FREE or VIP Referral Agent may have many LINKED BONUS POWER-LINE Positions with each one awarded Bonus Points. Each one duplicating itself over and over again and again. A 100% Free Referral Agent could be awarded tens, hundreds or even thousands of LINKED BONUS POWER-LINE Positions. The key word is LINKED. Currently we have over 55,000 Referral Agents in the POWER-LINE. Now imagine YOU just register as a new 100% FREE Referral Agent. HOWEVER in about 24 hours everyone of the 54,000 Referral Agents will have a LINKED BONUS POSITION in front of you generating many more LINKED BONUS POSITIONS to your original FREE POSITION. Each one awarded bonus points with each bonus point having potential compensation for your original position. Again once you see the real time tracking chart in your FREE BACK OFFICE all will be clearer.
How fast you receive additional LINKED BONUS POSITIONS will be based on your level of achievement.
This is possibly more exciting than The POWER-GRID, POWER-LINE and The POWER-MATCH Combined. When you see the details of this POWER-SHARE there will be potential personal sales commissions available of $500; $1,000; $5,000 and more. Plus an equal amount shared up to 10 levels of Active VIP Referral Agents in The POWER-GRID. Plus as you will see in the POWER-MATCH another equal amount shared with up to 5 Qualified Referral Agents in The POWER-GRID. Example: When a FREE or VIP Referral Agent earns $500 in The POWER-SHARE up to 10 additional Referral Agents could receive $50 which would also calculate another potential $500 in POWER-MATCH Bonuses paid to the Qualified Referral Agents in the up line. It is a two team infinity grid. Prior to this being implemented every person will be given the opportunity to choose which team each referred person will be placed on. It will be retroactive from day one. More Details regarding The Power Team; The Power Share & The Power Match on 11/11/11
In order to log into your website back office we ask you to validate your e-mail address. If you did not receive one you may request another be sent. If you are not receiving your e-mail validations after several attempts we suggest you open a free g-mail account and note below the e-mail verification when trying to log in you may add another e-mail to your account.
Is a 10 level referral grid which will track everyone you personally refer on your 1st level; everyone your 1st level personally refers to their 1st level which is your 2nd level; this grid will track everyone referred up to ten levels below your Referral Agent's Position. The only qualification to receive compensation in The Power Grid is to agree to receive up to 5 text messages and spend 3 to 5 minutes in your back office with The "Get The Word Out" Advertising Platform. The 100% FREE POWER-GRID pays a Referral Agent a MAXIMUM of $.75 to $1.50 Per Active Referral Agent up to 10 Levels of Referrals. A 2x10 & 3x10 is displayed on your website. However, since there are no limits on the amount of referrals a Referral Agent may refer. There could be a billion different combinations. Here are real examples of real referral agents who have already reached 10 levels of referrals within 14 days.
Here is an Referral Agent who personally referred 77 Referral Agents; The 77 collectively referred 321 onto his 2nd level; The 321 collectively referred 820 onto his 3rd level; The 820 collectively referred 2071 onto his 4th level; The 2071 collectively referred 2809 onto his 5th level; The 2809 collectively referred 3527 onto his 6th level; The 3527 collectively referred 4530 onto his 7th level; The 4530 collectively referred 4327 onto his 8th level; The 4327 collectively referred 3616 onto his 9th level; The 3616 collectively referred 2894 onto his 10th level for a grand total of 24,992 with a MAXIMUM TEXT PAY of $20,914.50 Monthly. This is an example and the compensation in this example would come from members/agents receiving up to 5 text messages a day.
Here is an Referral Agent who personally referred 11 Referral Agents; The 11 collectively referred 148 onto his 2nd level; The 148 collectively referred 487 onto his 3rd level; The 487 collectively referred 642 onto his 4th level; The 642 collectively referred 630 onto his 5th level; The 630 collectively referred 431 onto his 6th level; The 431 collectively referred 198 onto his 7th level; The 198 collectively referred 178 onto his 8th level; The 178 collectively referred 169 onto his 9th level; The 169 collectively referred 108 onto his 10th level for a grand total of 3,002 with a MAXIMUM TEXT PAY of $2,332.50 Monthly. This an example and the compensation in this example would come from fmembers/agents receiving up to 5 text messages a day.
At such time full customer support will be available. We did not expect more than 6000 applications in the 1st 4 days. Keep up the great work since the current system can handle 75,000 applications daily.
Join Text Cash Network Now!
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